Accessibility Statement

DuxVitae is committed to making web-based, electronic content accessible to all people who use the site, including those with disabilities, by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Level A/AA (WCAG 2.1 A/AA). We strive to make our site an equal experience for everyone.

DuxVitae is also committed to ongoing website changes to keep pace with changing technology and accessibility guidelines. We continually evaluate our website content to make sure it's accessible to all visitors. However, DuxVitae does not control or remedy the way content is portrayed by any third-party site linked to the website.

Accessibility Support

If you encounter any challenges or issues related to assistive technology, including screen readers, keyboard access, or other issues relating to the accessibility of our website, please email us at Please be sure to specify the webpage at issue so we can look into improving your experience on that page. We greatly value your questions and comments.